Seven Knights 2 Review: Can Beautiful graphic save a game?

Seven Knights 2 Review: Can Beautiful graphic save a game?

Seven Knights 2 is the sequel of the well known Seven Knights. They comeback to us with a brand new 3D world, new raids and many more goodies. If your a fan of 7K and loves grinding games, this one is for you.

What’s is Seven knights 2 Story?

Many years after Karin’s sacrifice, the seven knights disappeared without a trace but the destruction stone were still present. As Eileen daughter was enjoying a quiet life with her mercenary friends, their city is attacked by a fallen hero.

In Order to save her daughter and the survivors, Eileen sacrifice herself. With the help of an unknown hero, they manage to escape in a portal. Now Lene must go on an adventure to find out the truth.

Game play

After some nice cinematic, the game transition immediately into tutorial mode. Where you will learn the basic quickly, After combat you will be shown different class.


As all RPG, you will have different classes,

  • Tank as your meat shield
  • DPS as your melee damage dealer
  • Support as healer or buffer/de buffer
  • Range as range damage dealer
  • Universal as the most flexible class meaning you can be everything

Each class has a specific color code to differentiate them from each other.

  • Tank is Blue,
  • Support is Green,
  • Range is Yellow
  • Universal is Purple

Each specific unit get specific buffs depending on Formation.


Formation is a bit different in Seven Knights 2. First you will need to unlock then upgrade them with gold and books. Formation will always have 4 slot only but they will be in different color. Remember the class color code? Well this is where you will know where to place them.


Gear will start dropping when slaying monster, Of course you can equip them on your heroes. Those gear have no class restrictions and have multiple set both offensive and defensive. The gear is divided in to 5 parts for armor, 3 parts for accessories and 1 part for the weapon. They also have different grade from

  • Uncommon as Grey
  • Common as Green
  • Rare as Blue
  • Legendary as Red


Pet is the Chibi version of the characters or monster. There main job is to give you a passive buff and a short active buff during battles. They also share the same grade system as gears as mentioned above.


You can upgrade heroes using fragment by limit breaking them up to 10 times in total. Max level is currently level 50. Note that the cost of fragments increases after each limit break and it has a 100% success rate, thanks god. Fragment can be obtain via summoning, exchange in shop and fusion.


Each hero will have 4 skills, there are 3 basic skills and 1 ultimate skill. Basic skill can be passive or active and ultimate can only be active.

When your hero levels up 5 level, you can upgrade your skills to +1 with some gold. The maximum cannot be reach if you don’t upgrade your mastery and have the Trouble Shooter gear equipped. Not that max skill level is currently level 20.

In battle, you can always upgrade your skills, mastery, upgrade gear or even switch equipment which is a really cool feature and quality of life. So the battle screen is pretty the same standard interface, on the left is the movement control and on the right the attack/auto attack button, and near it your 3 skill.


Mastery is a very important to get passive bonus. They are locked behind your level but luckily you can bypass this with gems. It’s a one time purchase and is an excellent way to spend your gems.


In order to collect gear and crafting materials, you will need to start doing Raids. Raid is a mode where your team face a Boss on a time limit. Raid have both single and multiplayer mode, you will have a 4 and 8 person raid. Raids have currently 10 level of difficulty, each level make the boss stronger.

Careful have ultimate skill like your characters, they can 1 shot your team with it. So to avoid failing your raids you should bring a counter hero that will interrupt his ultimate and disable him for some seconds. Dodge red telegraph attacks of the boss and try not to auto in raids.


The typical dungeons where you will face different challenge to obtain resources. They each require specific unit for example some stage requires melee dps only and other require range heroes only. Dungeons also have only 10 levels, of course each level will be harder as monster will get better stats.


Arena is a big disappointment, why? It’s completely on Auto, that’s means you don’t have any control on your character or skill during a match. Which make a PVP match a brawl simulation of AI vs AI. They could have at least let you use skills during combat but you can only watch the match.

Due to that PVP is entirely a Strength contest where the higher grade heroes will always win. PVP is a place where you obtain your weekly gems to summons but as a F2P don’t hope to get to higher leagues. As you will meet strong teams of Legendary+ that will destroy your team in seconds.

How is Seven Knights 2 Graphic?

It’s one of the most beautiful 3D on mobile, everything is animated correctly. The face has different expression, each character look different from each other. Although some character are copy paste with only a different skin. Weapon glows after enhancing to +10 which add a nice visual effect.

The skins doesn’t look that extraordinary, the environment looks really good, the skill effect are breath taking for some heroes. They manage to respect the original Seven knights character and didn’t add unnecessary changes to them.

The game looks exactly as the cinematic, so you won’t feel cheated when looking at the cinematic and start playing. The game make me remember DMC4 for some reason, same graphic , same vibes but different game play.


You can move your character around in all direction, do attack in combo without using skills or use auto attacks mode that will use skill automatically. A button to rally other member of the team to the character your controlling and you can switch from any heroes anytime during the battle.

The control is very responsive which is good as the game encourage you to take control to dodge telegraph attack from boss and monsters.

To be efficient try manually control instead of auto mode. When using your skill, for example a healer uses the heal when everyone is still at full health and putting the skill on cool down which may result in killing your whole team. When the boss will use an aoe attack that you fail to dodge or simply can’t dodge.

Also as mention above, counter heroes will need a manual activation to trigger their skills. Finally your pet active skill also require a manual activation.

Sound & Music

The whole story has voice acting, each character has it’s voice acting, even the uncommon to legendary+. Each screen has it’s own epic music from the login screen to battlefield, different music which you can listen in loop. Each character attack and skill has also been voice acting, grunts from attacking and receiving damage or even when you faint.

How about Seven Knights 2 Game Length?

The main story isn’t too long around 11 chapters, each chapters are divided into small stages. Once story is over you can tackle the next difficulty and repeat the whole story again for 4 times in total. You can finish the story in 2 or 3 days of game play, each dungeon and raids have currently 10 level, take around 15 min to manually clear a level but once difficulty is cleared, you may just use a clear ticket and be done with it in less than 10 seconds.

You have a daily login reward, weekly events, monthly events, daily quests, monthly quests, everything of those take a lots of time at the start, between 1h – 3h of game play but later on you may do your dailies in less than 30 minutes, including some grind.

Is Seven Knights 2 Free to play or Pay to win?

P2W without a doubt. Even the gems shower and freebies early on, you will quickly realize that the game is not F2P at all. You have limited ways to obtain gems as the story mode is 1 time reward only.

PVP is whale territory, as it’s extremely difficult to obtain a Legendary + Hero as a F2P. Even if you manage to pull one it will take you several months to max that unit. By the time your finish doing so, another stronger unit will have already come out and make your hard work go to waste.

New units are better that previous unit, making old unit fall behind with wasted time and resources. If you want to follow the Meta, you will need to spend some cash to keep up with the updates.Skins are available only via cash shop.

Micro Transaction

Ah!! The cash shop, you will get everything as the usual mobile games cash shop, daily/weekly/monthly packages, battle pass, special offers, currency package, skins, summon packs, hero fragments packs and pets packs. Price will vary between $0.99 – $89.99, most of the good packs are rather expensive and they are a bit aggressive with special offers. By the way, skins can only be obtain with real money.


No ads.

What is the Life span of Seven Knights 2?

Base on what I’ve seen the game may go on for at lease 1 or 2 year if they manage to continue on pumping new chapter and character in the game, most of the people that will stay are here for the story or heroes and not for the game play.

The game tried to extend itself by repeating the story 4 times, same story with nothing new with only increased stats from monster and boss depending the difficulty.


As a RPG you will have some team management to do. Learn who to use in specific raids and also some team synergy. Unfortunately that all you can squeeze from this game.







  • Add the amount of gems obtained in the expedition run,
  • Make gems a drop item
  • Increase the amount of gem in the higher difficulty of story mode
  • Remove or increase the amount of fragment that you can buy daily
  • Change the items in the shop because they are terrible
  • Add different aura on normal monsters in higher difficulty of the story mode, Same for the raids boss and dungeon.
  • Need more gear sets
  • Add more formations with different combination and buffs
  • Change the pity system to a guaranty banner hero instead of chance of obtaining other ones


New Chapters are been added every month, with addition of 2 new heroes and some new events with them.

Should you play Seven Knights 2?

Honestly the game is one the best graphic i have seen. Plus the innovative game play character control is a nice addition to Mobile RPG games. But that about it, the game feels empty inside, poor gear system, streamline game play and lacks of diversity.

Progression is very slow as F2P, the map that they give freely is simply not enough for you to grind. After some month, you may start to feel burn out. Connecting only to collect maps or finish your daily quests and log out.

The game is playable as F2P if you play consistently. As for cash player, this game is for you as you will get new units nearly every month. Seven Knights 2 feels like a rush, unfinished game which rely solely on beautiful graphic and nostalgia.

General Information

  • Overall Rating : Mix
  • Type : RPG
  • Category : Free to Play
  • Contains Ads : No
  • Micro Transaction : Yes
  • Country : Global 
  • Content Rating : Teen, Violence, Partial Nudity
  • Mode : Single Player, Multi Player
  • Published by: Netmarble

Technical Information

  • Google Play Score: 3.5
  • Installation Size : 80 MB
  • Full Size : 6.48 GB
  • Platform : Android Version 7.0 and up
  • Emulator friendly : Have it’s own launcher, Emulator friendly
  • Connection : Online
  • Available on : Google Play, App Store

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