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In the expansive realms of gaming and anime, characters are much more than their visuals—they are waifus, each with distinct personalities that leave a lasting impression. From the selfless to the self-centered, the bold to the mysterious, these characters often become as real and beloved as any person could be.

Fans categorize these personalities into types, commonly referred to as ‘dere’ types in anime. Understanding these categories isn’t just fun—it provides deeper insights into why we connect with these characters on a personal level.

This guide dives into the top 25 waifu types, offering a window into the diverse personalities that make each character not just memorable, but truly beloved. Whether you’re a veteran fan or new to the scene, get ready to explore the rich tapestry of traits that define gaming and anime’s most cherished characters.

4 different waifu type

SO WHat are gaming waifu?

Before we explore the various types, let’s clarify what we mean by a “gaming waifu.” In the gaming world, a waifu refers to a female character who is especially cherished by players for her personality, appearance, and roles within the game. Unlike their anime counterparts, gaming waifus often interact with players through immersive gameplay and story-driven experiences, creating a deeper personal connection.

These characters can range from heroic figures leading the charge against formidable foes to supportive sidekicks offering help and companionship throughout your journey. Each type embodies unique qualities that make them stand out, influencing how players experience and remember the game.


Top 25 gaming Waifu Types

Now, let’s delve into the top 25 waifu types that have captivated the hearts of gamers and anime fans alike:

1. Tsundere

Tsundere characters challenge the heart with their icy exteriors, only melting under the warmth of genuine affection.

In games, this personality type offers a rewarding experience as players navigate the complexities of their sharp attitudes and hidden vulnerabilities.

Example: Makoto Niijima from Persona 5 begins with a stern, unfriendly demeanor as the Student Council President, rigid in her beliefs and duties. However, as she joins the Phantom Thieves and grows closer to the protagonist, she reveals a much softer, caring side that cherishes deep connections and fiercely protects her friends.

This evolution touches players deeply, transforming initial misunderstandings into a profound bond that illustrates the beauty of patience and perseverance in unraveling the layers of someone misunderstood.


2. Yandere

Yandere characters weave a tale of passion turned perilous, marked by their extreme devotion that can escalate into darker realms.

In games, this archetype adds a layer of intense drama and unpredictability.

Example: Monika from Doki Doki Literature Club starts as a seemingly perfect and caring school club president, but her affection morphs into obsession as she manipulates the game’s reality itself to be with the player.

This shocking development immerses players in a psychological thriller where love crosses the boundaries of digital and real, making every choice and interaction thrillingly significant.

3. Kuudere

Kuudere characters often hide a sea of emotions behind an impassive facade, creating a mysterious aura that invites players to discover what lies beneath.

Their cool demeanor is a slow thaw, revealing a depth of feeling that can be profoundly moving.

Example: 2B from NieR: Automata portrays an initial stoicism, mandated by her role as a combat android.

However, as her journey progresses, the layers of her emotional restraint peel away, uncovering a character rich with complexity and capable of deep love, sorrow, and sacrifice, deeply resonating with players’ hearts.

4. Dandere

In the quiet reserve of Dandere characters lies a treasure trove of loyalty and sweetness, rewarding those who patiently seek to understand them.

These characters enrich games with moments of gentle sincerity and unexpected bravery.

Example: Fiora from Xenoblade Chronicles is a great example of a Dandere character.

Initially shy and reserved, especially concerning her feelings towards the protagonist, Shulk, Fiora’s interactions with him and the other characters gradually reveal a tender, caring side that endears her to both the players and her in-game companions.

Her character development is central to the game’s emotional narrative, showcasing the strength that can be found in quiet, thoughtful personalities.


5. Himedere

Himedere characters demand to be adored like royalty, yet beneath their commanding airs often lie insecurities that make their need for affection poignant.

They challenge players to look beyond appearances to find a vulnerable heart yearning for acceptance.

Example: Princess Zelda in The Legend of Zelda series sometimes exhibits traits of a himedere, especially in versions where she exhibits a regal and demanding presence.

Over time, her vulnerability surfaces, particularly in her interactions with Link, showing that her royal demeanor is as much about protecting her kingdom as it is about masking her personal fears and hopes.



Genki characters bring a vibrant burst of energy and optimism that can light up even the darkest moments in games.

Their enthusiasm is infectious, often inspiring other characters and players alike.

Example: Tracer from Overwatch exemplifies this type.

Her upbeat, positive attitude and speedy gameplay inject a lively spirit into her team and become a motivational force for players and teammates in the game’s narrative.


7. kamidere

Kamidere characters possess a god-like confidence and often demand respect or obedience, but this often stems from a deep-seated drive to achieve their ambitious goals.

Engaging with these characters in games often challenges players to confront their own values and choices.

Example: Princess Hilda from The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds fits the kamidere archetype well.

Ruler of the parallel kingdom of Lorule, she exudes regal confidence and a strong will, manipulating events behind the scenes to restore her crumbling world.

Her commanding presence and the tough decisions she makes challenge players to understand her motives and the heavy burdens of leadership.

Princess Hilda

8. sadodere

Sadodere characters enjoy manipulating emotional scenarios, creating complex relationships that test the player’s ability to navigate and understand multi-layered personalities.

Example: Catherine from Catherine Full Body with the protagonist’s emotions, presenting a fascinating psychological puzzle that players must unravel.

Her manipulative nature drives much of the game’s tension and intrigue.



Deredere characters are wholly affectionate and loving, providing a constant source of warmth and positivity.

Their unconditional love and support often serve as the emotional backbone of many storylines.

Example: Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII radiates kindness and an open heart, offering solace and encouragement that profoundly affects the game’s atmosphere and the other characters’ development.

10. MOE

Moe characters are designed to evoke a protective instinct in the player due to their adorable and often vulnerable demeanor.

These characters enrich the gaming experience by fostering a deep sense of caretaking and connection.

Example: Ellie from Harvest Moon series is a perfect example of the moe archetype.

As a gentle and caring nurse in the town’s clinic, Ellie’s sweet nature and concern for others immediately endear her to players.

Her appearance and demeanor encourage players to feel a sense of responsibility and protectiveness, enhancing the emotional depth of their engagement with the game.


11. megane

Megane are typically intelligent, methodical, and often reserved, but their thoughtful insights and strategic minds play crucial roles in narratives.

Their glasses are a key visual trait that emphasizes their scholarly or serious nature.

Example: Mitsuru Kirijo from Persona 3 is a quintessential Megane character.

Her intelligence and leadership qualities make her a central figure in the story, and her glasses symbolize her thoughtful and composed demeanor, drawing players into her complex personal and emotional journey.

Mitsuru Kirijo wearing glass

12. Dojikko

Dojikko characters are endearing because of their clumsiness and often humorous mishaps.

This trait makes them highly relatable and adds a layer of light-heartedness to games.

Example: Noire from Hyperdimension Neptunia often exhibits dojikko characteristics, especially when she is out of her goddess form.

Her occasional clumsiness contrasts with her usually confident demeanor, making her a beloved character among fans for her relatable imperfections.

Noire from Hyperdimension Neptunia


The younger sister type, Imouto, is characterized by a blend of affection and dependency, looking up to their older siblings or player characters with admiration and love.

Example: Example: Nanako Dojima from Persona 4 perfectly embodies the Imouto archetype. She is the protagonist’s cousin but fits the younger sister role in her interactions, viewing the protagonist as an older brother figure.

Her innocence, enthusiasm, and the way she looks up to the protagonist create a deep familial bond that players find endearing and emotionally engaging, enhancing the overall narrative impact of the game.

Nanako Dojima

14. Onee-san

Onee-san types are caring, protective, and often serve as a guiding figure.

They exude a maturity that can be a stabilizing force for other characters.

Example: Bayonetta from the Bayonetta series adopts an Onee-san role, especially in her interactions with the younger Cereza.

Her protective instincts and mentorship combine with her powerful and confident personality, providing a strong emotional anchor in the midst of chaotic events.



Himedere characters expect to be treated like royalty and may appear demanding, but this often masks a deeper vulnerability.

Example: Princess Peach from Super Mario series often displays Himedere traits, especially in RPG adaptations where her royal demeanor is emphasized alongside moments of genuine concern and kindness, which endear her to players and other characters alike.

16. Kuutsundere

Kuutsundere characters blend elements of both the kuudere and tsundere archetypes.

Initially cold or aloof, they may occasionally display bouts of passion or warmth, particularly in moments of high stress or emotional vulnerability.

Example: Weiss Schnee from RWBY: Grimm Eclipse often shows a reserved and somewhat haughty demeanor, reflective of her kuudere traits. A

s the game progresses and situations intensify, she reveals her tsundere tendencies, becoming more openly caring and protective of her teammates, adding layers to her complex personality.

Weiss Schnee

17. Ghost

Ghost characters are often bound by supernatural elements and have ethereal, mysterious qualities.

Their storylines can add an intriguing spiritual dimension to games.

Example: Luna from Shining Resonance is depicted as a ghostly figure whose haunting presence and backstory add depth and mystique to the game’s narrative.

Her interactions with the main characters, while spectral, are emotionally poignant and integral to understanding the game’s richer lore.

18. AI or Robot

Characters that are AI or robots often struggle with human emotions and relationships, offering players unique perspectives on humanity and consciousness.

Example: GLaDOS from Portal series is an AI character whose complex relationship with the player oscillates between antagonistic and oddly nurturing.

Her dry humor and evolving interaction provide a fascinating exploration of an AI developing more nuanced, if skewed, emotional responses.

glados illustration

19. Mahou Shoujo

Magical Girl characters wield supernatural powers often used to protect love and justice.

They bring an element of whimsy and empowerment to their narratives.

Example: Madoka Kaname from Puella Magi Madoka Magica The Battle Pentagram perfectly embodies this type, combining innocence and extraordinary magical abilities to impact her world dramatically, exploring themes of sacrifice and destiny in emotionally charged storylines.


20. Chuunibyou

Chuunibyou characters believe they possess special powers or are involved in fantastical plots, often creating amusing or dramatic misinterpretations of the world around them.

Example: Guillotine from Nikke Goddess of Victory, embodies this with her delusional belief in her “Wicked Eye” and her imaginary battles, which are both comical and touching as they reflect deeper personal struggles.


21. Nekomimi

Nekomimi characters, with their cat-like traits such as ears or tails, blend human and feline characteristics.

They are often playful, capricious, and possess a charming allure that resonates deeply with fans of whimsical, animal-themed characters.

Example: Felicia from Darkstalkers is a classic Nekomimi.

As a catwoman, she exhibits both the agility and playful mischief of a cat while maintaining a cheerful and optimistic human personality.

Her unique blend of human and feline traits makes her a beloved character in the fighting game community.


22. Shundere

Shundere characters are typically silent and aloof, presenting an enigmatic persona that gradually reveals deeper layers of sensitivity and emotion as they open up.

Example: Lady Maria from Bloodborne fits the Shundere archetype well.

A formidable and initially distant character encountered in the game’s DLC, “The Old Hunters,” Maria does not speak much, and her aloof demeanor initially shrouds her tragic past and deep emotional conflicts.

As players progress through her storyline, they uncover the poignant reasons behind her silence and isolation, which adds depth to her character and engages players on an emotional level.

Lady Maria

23. Bakadere

Bakadere characters are characterized by their silliness and a lack of common sense, which often leads to endearing, comedic moments.

They bring a light-heartedness to games that can contrast with more serious themes.

Example: Nepgear is the younger sister of the protagonist Neptune and often displays a naive and clumsy nature.


24. Erogyaru

Erogyaru characters are distinctly bold and unapologetically flirtatious, often incorporating risqué humor and a permissive attitude towards sexuality into their interactions.

This type of waifu can add a layer of comedic relief or a provocative edge to the storyline.

Example: Moxxi from the Borderlands series is a perfect fit for this archetype. Known for her overtly sexual demeanor and double entendres, Moxxi runs various bars across Pandora and is famous for her risqué outfits and flirtatious comments.

Her charismatic and confident personality not only adds color and humor to the game but also plays into her role as a savvy businesswoman and skilled combatant, making her a multifaceted character who is memorable and impactful in the game’s storyline.


25. Gyaru

Gyaru characters are known for their distinctive, trendy, and often rebellious fashion.

They embody a freedom and confidence that challenges traditional norms, appealing particularly to fans of bold and distinct character styles.

Example: Cindy Aurum from Final Fantasy XV represents the gyaru archetype well.

Known for her fashionable and somewhat provocative attire, Cindy is the upbeat and charismatic mechanic who services the player’s car.

Her confident demeanor and strong sense of independence, along with her expertise in auto-mechanics, make her a standout character who breaks traditional boundaries and brings a vibrant energy to the game.



Our exploration of the top 25 waifu types has revealed a colorful tapestry of personalities, each distinct in their appeal and role within gaming and anime narratives. However, it’s important to note that this list is not exhaustive. The world of fictional characters is as boundless as the creativity of those who craft their stories and the fans who embrace them.

As trends evolve and new stories are told, the fusion of different character archetypes can lead to the emergence of unique waifu types—combinations of two, three, or even more traits that create entirely new categories. These hybrids reflect the dynamic nature of character development and the ever-changing preferences of audiences.

The diversity of waifu types is a testament to the richness of character portrayal in media and the limitless imagination of fans and creators alike. As we continue to explore new games and anime, we can expect this list to expand, offering fresh and innovative character types that resonate with the latest cultural trends and personal preferences.